ceri rhys matthews造句
- She joins the existing line-up of Julie Murphy, Ceri Rhys Matthews, and Tomos Williams, all of whom appeared on the band's previous, live album, " Na Pr醖le ".
- Contemporary players of the instrument in Wales include Jonathan Shorland, Ceri Rhys Matthews, Stephen Rees, Andy McLaughlin, Hefin Wyn Jones, Patrick Rimes, Huw Roberts, Jem Hammond, Hafwen Lewis, Gafin Morgan, Antwn Owen Hicks, Rhodri Smith, Peni Ediker, Eva Ryan, Idris Morris Jones, Gerard KilBride, Mick Tems and Peter Stacey.
- Use of pibgorn, bagpipe and bag-hornpipes with electronic and digital dance music has been seen in recent years, initially with Ceri Rhys Matthews collaborating with johnny r of r-bennig on a dance mix called " Y bibgorn aur " in 1992; later in the nineties with hip-hop outfit Y Tystion on their album " Shrug off ya complex, Y taffi triog "; Lews Tewns'recording for " PUP Project "; and " Wepun EX Project ".
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